Wednesday 3 November 2010

Celebrity News!

Hi there!

Exciting news from celebrity land! We've all grown used to X-Factor judge, Danni Minogue, stepping out onto the stage in a range of glamorous and sexy hairstyles - even giving the gorgeous Cheryl Cole a run for her money. Well, in a Now exclusive, Danni's stylist (Christian Vermaak) reveals that the Cloud Nine straightening irons are an essential feature of his behind the scenes styling pack, using them to create beautiful and diverse hair-styles for the attractive Ms Minogue.

If you are a salon owner/manager and you would like to find out more about the Cloud Nine irons we distribute, contact Urban Icon on: 08450 756676

If you are a member of the public who would like to find a salon near you which stocks the irons, go to:

If your salon doesn't stock them, ask them to order them in!!!!

They're brill! They have a unique temperature control so you can style your hair using as little or as much heat as you wish.

Watch this space for more news!

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Breaking News

Hi again!

I've just been speaking with Helen Black, head of Hair and Make-Up at Lime Pictures - the television studios where Hollyoaks, Living on the Edge, Apparitions and Grange Hill are filmed. Our accounts director, Ben Waring, went to visit her a few days ago and showed the stylists there how to use TheO and the straightening irons. They particularly like the micro-irons which have a lower temperature option that competitors' irons do not have. Now, they cannot actually endorse any products but the general concensus was that both the micro-irons and standard irons are 'great'. So, now the glamorous Hollyoaks cast are going to be styled with the Cloud Nine products that Urban Icon distributes! Great news!

Above: Cloud Nine Micro Irons 

Also, Andrew Collinge, International Award Winning Hairdresser (he is 'renowned for creating beautiful, feminine, wearable styles'),  launches next week, on Tuesday 9th November, with Keratin complex smoothing treatment.

Our accounts director, Ben Waring, will be presenting both the Cloud 9 products (TheO, micro-irons, standard irons) and Keratin to all the salons at the Andrew Collinge Creative Stylist awards on Wednesday evening (10th November). I asked him if he was nervous and he said not, but I reckon he is!!! Here's wishing him luck and steady nerves!

The following week, Cloud Nine products will be launched with the national and local press during the day on Wednesday 17th November and this will be followed with an exciting VIP party for 60 specially selected guests and celebrities, to showcase Cloud Nine once again.

Watch this space to find out how the launch goes!

Plus, I should be speaking to Andrew Minarik again very soon. He is the owner of the elite Minarik Salon in Leicestershire - I mentioned him in a previous post. He styled the Miss England finalists' hair and loved using TheO and the Cloud Nine straightening irons. Well, he was chosen to be Head of Hair and Make-Up for Miss World and has been out in China for the last few weeks, styling the Miss World finalists' hair. I'll be speaking to him asap to find out how it all went! Before he left, he told me that he felt TheO and the irons were now essential features of his styling kit.

Miss England 2010 - the finalists were all styled using TheO and the Cloud Nine straightening irons

  Watch this space to find out how Andrew got on at the Miss World finals!

Latest news!

Hi again!

Well, I'm just about getting my  head around this blogging business and have been looking at some other blogs to see what they're like. I've found two top bloggers who have actually tried and tested TheO - what's great about this is that they're completely independent from the company, they're beauty addicts/journalists/writers who love researching fab products and then blogging about them. One of these brill blogs is called 'Johanna Payton: Fashion Detective' and she gives TheO the thumbs up: "TheO . . . sounds . . . exciting - so I'm in. It's on the Christmas list."

Found another beauty addict and top blogger, who has won awards for her blog. Her blog is called 'Beauty and the Blog'. She had this to say about TheO:

"I wacked in the biggest rollers just to see what it would do. After my hair had cooled fully I took the rollers out and shook my head like those women do in the hair adverts. I like the results, it's really me, soft waves and volume, what more could a girl want....
I would definitely say its a worthwhile purchase.You're not just buying it for now,its going to last a long time. I'm not going to lie, you're probably going to see a few big hair posts now I have this,this is more of a 'I couldn't contain my excitement' post. I hope you like my O hair?"

So, these two experienced fashionistas and bloggers loved TheO!

What other news is there?

Well, Bristol's luxury lifestyle magazine 'Eye Zine' give Cloud Nine a glowing report in the Product of the Month feature. Describing the "incredible less heat more style" features of the irons and the "full bodied, well conditioned locks" achieved by TheO.

This month's editon of In Style magazine featured Nicola Robert's beauty bag. Guess what she has inside her beauty bag?! You've guessed it, TheO - of course!

To find a salon that stocks TheO or Cloud Nine straightening irons, go to:

and click on salon locator at the top of the page.

If you are a salon that wishes to find out more about these products and/or order them, then ring 

Urban Icon on: 08450 756676